nutritionThe role of nutrition is to fuel the body with the correct nutrients it requires so that it can attain growth and repair & manage itself following daily activities. If the body isn’t fueled correctly it will make that specific goal – be it weight loss or muscle gain – a lot harder to achieve!

Good nutrition is vital when it comes to achieving optimal performance and should be tailor-made to the individual to get the results they want whether they are sport specific, fat loss, muscle building, fitness or maintenance.

Whatever the results may be, consistency is the key…! The more consistent you are, the better the results, and in a lot less time too…! I speak to an extremely large amount of people in my line of work as a Personal Trainer, who all tell me they have tried everything to attain their goal yet are still unsuccessful… or they have come to the stage where they have hit a plateau (brick wall).

Many people who I talk to are adamant they are following the healthy route to success but after a one to one consultation with me realise this isn’t the case… On one hand people say “I eat and drink healthily all the time besides the weekend”, not taking on board that the weekend is actually a big chunk of the week…! In other instances I come across those that are eating well but not equally balancing their training, stress levels, sleep patterns etc.

By highlighting areas and making a few amendments, that plateau can be broken through quickly… A tip I give my clients before their initial consultation is to start recording and monitoring what they are eating… Be consistent with jotting it down, then together we can assess everything. By being consistent with this you will be teaching yourself to have a more watchful eye on what you are fueling YOUR body with…

Contact me today for your free, no obligation initial consultation and together we can work towards achieving your goals…